Set yourself up for success

In a recent article, the Harvard Business Review discussed how to set up new employees when working remotely, and their advice can be applied in any sitution.

  1. Getting off to a fast start to give your new colleague early comfort and confidence — making him or her feel welcome.
  2. Establishing a foundation for strong relationships across the organization.
  3. Building an understanding of the culture and how work gets done.
  4. Setting clear expectations and connecting the individual’s work to the broader organizational mission, vision, and goals.

One of Harvard's keypoints about getting off to a fast start is "Set up technology before the start date." Galleries and studios using Primer have a partner in this goal. Primer's exceptional customer support and easy to use help desk are available to ensure that new and existing team members are ready to use Primer on Day 1. Training can be tailored to each employee's tasks (i.e. registrarial, sales, financial).

Primer encourages dealers and artists to better value their own time and spend their days on high level work such as creating artwork, curating exhibitions and cultivating collectors with bespoke offers and well timed follow ups. Contact us for a personal demonstration to see why Primer's unique features lead to less gallery management time and more art sales.

Whether you are a new gallery, a new artist or a new employee, set your art business and art career up for success with the right software, relationships and business habits.

Whether you are a new gallery, a new artist or a new employee, set your art business and art career up for success with the right software, relationships and business habits.